NSLI-Y 2023 Korea – Week 1

ACES NSLI-Y South Korea, the Journey Begins

The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) students embarked on an extraordinary journey to South Korea, filled with exhilarating experiences, immersive language learning, and an eye-opening visit to The American Diplomacy House in Seoul. Over the past week, these bright young minds have been captivated by the vibrant Korean culture, deepened their language skills, and gained invaluable insights into the world of diplomacy. Join us as we relive their thrilling adventures and extensive learning.


A Warm Welcome and Language Exploration: The Beginning as a NSLI-Y Scholar

As the NSLI-Y students touched down in Incheon after a light flight from Washington, D.C., they were greeted with warm smiles and open arms by their host families, promising an intimate glimpse into Korean life, fostering cross-cultural connections and lifelong friendships.

Victoria with her host Family.


The first week of the NSLI-Y students’ journey in South Korea has been an exhilarating and enriching experience, encompassing language immersion, and cultural exploration. As they continue their adventure, they carry with them a deepened appreciation for the beauty of language, the importance of diplomacy, and the rich tapestry of global connections that shape our world.

In their first week, the students delved into intensive Korean language instruction and Peer Language Partner activities, immersing themselves in the linguistic intricacies of this beautiful language. From basic greetings to more complex sentence structures, they embraced the challenge with enthusiasm and quickly witnessed their language skills blossoming.

In front of the Office of International Affairs building, Dankook University.


Classroom 1. (from the left) Victoria, Anju, Andy, Radley, Ezra, Charis, and Natelia.


Classroom 1 with Korean Instructor.


Classroom 2 Sebastian, Francine, Cristina, Julian, Sean, Addie, Aditi, and Korean Instructor.


Classroom 2 Sebastian, Francine, Cristina, Julian, Sean, and Korean Instructor.


At the cafeteria, Dankook University: Andy, Julian, Ezra, Radley, Sean, and Sebastian.


At the cafeteria, Dankook University: Francine, Cristina, Addie, Victoria, Aditi, Anju, Charis, and Natelia.


At a local restaurant with Korean mentors; sharing a meal and conversation: Anju, Victoria, Charis, Natelia, Julian, Andy, Sean, Junho, Francine, Addie, Minju. 


At a local restaurant with mentors: Radley, Ezra, and Sebastian.


Peer Partner Language Activities.


Peer Partner Language Activities: Victoria Presenting.


Peer Partner Language Activities: Charis with a Korean peer.


Peer Partner Activities: Natelia with a Korean Peer.


One of the highlights of their week was undoubtedly the visit to The American Diplomacy House in Seoul. Stepping foot into this esteemed institution, the students were transported into a world of diplomacy, history, and global connections. Beyond their language and diplomatic exploration, the NSLI-Y students actively engaged in global conversations.


Group Photo from the security briefing with the Public Diplomacy Officer.


At the American Diplomacy House Seoul: Andy, Julian, Aditi, Victoria, Addie, Anju, and Sebastian.


Crafting Traditional Korean Art
As the first week of cultural activity, the students learned how to make traditional Korean pottery. By engaging in the process of crafting a Cheongja (traditional Korean ceramic), students developed a deep appreciation for the craftsmanship, patience, and attention to detail required in traditional Korean art forms. This experience fostered creativity, cultivated an understanding of cultural traditions, and nurtured a sense of pride in creating something tangible that reflects the beauty and uniqueness of Korean culture.

Francine, Natelia, Charis, and Cristina with a teaching assistant.


Addie with Korean traditional ceramic art instructor.


As the week came to a close, the NSLI-Y students reflected on their personal growth and the transformative nature of their experiences. The intensive language instruction not only enhanced their linguistic abilities but also instilled a sense of confidence in navigating an unfamiliar language and culture. They witnessed the power of diplomacy firsthand, recognizing its role in fostering cooperation, understanding, and global progress. Moreover, the bonds formed with their host families and fellow students will endure as cherished connections that transcend borders.